Meet Warda and Assad, and their amazing story

Meet Warda and Assad, and their amazing story


A wonderful story to share today!

Earlier this year a young American, John Van Rooy, who teaches English in Saudi Arabia, went to Lebanon’s Bekaa valley to work as a volunteer among Syrian refugees. He got to know a family there – listen to his own words:

This family “led by an amazing woman named Wafaa, is from Aleppo—a city that has been catastrophically destroyed by the Syrian conflict. They have been living in a refugee camp for the past 4 years. Wafaa supports her severely disabled husband, elderly mother-in-law, and 3 children—including a deaf daughter named Warda. Warda is 12 years old and has been unable to attend school for the past 4 years as there are no programs for deaf children in Zahle. Wafaa told me that Warda would cry every day when she watched the other children going off to school. With the assistance of the Learning Centre for the Deaf in Beirut, we were able to find a boarding school where Warda can study and learn to read, write, and sign. The cost of the program is $3500, which includes room and board for 1 year.

So John started a crowdfunding collection, and in just 3 months managed to raise 6000 dollars, enough for Warda and also Assad, age 9, another refugee deaf boy who had never attended school before.

Now both Warda and Assan are at FAID, where they attend school, are among friends, and at last live in a peaceful and safe environment.

Well done John and thank you FAID for this amazing work!