Laura would like to thank all the friends who have supported Lebanon Trust this year
Many generous friends have doonated towards Lebanon Trust’s projects this year. Laura in prticular, together with all the other volunteers, would like to thank:
Anna Galli, Genoa (Italy)
Alessandro Bertolotto & Maria Cristina Ferraro, Genoa (Italy)
Martina Merkle, Zurich (Switzerland)
Family Liverini-Swanström, Zurich (Switzerland), and Albert in particular
Fabio & Marta Cocurullo, Genoa (Italy)
Anna Dal Negro and family, Zurich (Switzerland)
Family Zappavigna, Marina di Massa (MS, Italy)
Elena Prola and family, London (UK)
Milda Cocurullo and family, Genoa (Italy)
Enrico & Lilli Bertolotto, Genoa (Italy)
Family Parodi, Genoa (Italy)
Family Della Penna, Genoa (Italy)
Natale & Carla Ferraro, Genoa (Italy)
Family Devia, Genoa (Italy)
Giorgio Margotti, Livorno (Italy)
Angela Vigna and family, Savona (Italy)
Silvana Falaschini, Livorno (Italy)
Patricia Meade (USA)
Family Fasciolo-Barnabe’ e gli amici di Montaldero, Arquata Scrivia (AL, Italy)
Family Aquini-Alberghini, Arquata Scrivia (AL, Italy)
Family Ricci, Arquata Scrivia (AL, Italy)
Giovanna & Cristina Pellegrini and family, Genoa (Italy)
Catherine & Adrian Poeydomenge-Ruf, Zurich (Switzerland)
Fabio Minotti, Lentate sul Seveso (Milan, Italy)
Chaithra Vishu, India